16/08/24 opportunities
This week’s Bristol-based opportunities…
The Soil Association is recruiting for a few roles, including a Financial Controller, Policy Officer and Responsible Sourcing Officer. Details here
Consultancy WSP is seeking a Principal Net Zero Consultant
TouchWood Play, which specialises in timber playground equipment, is seeking a Play Equipment and Adventure Parks Designer
The Forestry Commission is looking for a Project Manager
BBC Bristol is seeking two journalists as part of its Extend programme, which provides opportunities for those who identify as deaf, disabled or neurodivergent
Bristol Old Vic Theatre School is seeking a Head of Development
Bristol Museum & Art Gallery is seeking an Engagement Officer to engage with and provide opportunities for young people
We the Curious is looking for a Programme Assistant and an Assistant Producer. Details here
Upcoming Bristol-based work events
20th August: Do you work in the built environment? Are you interested in sharing your skills and advising young people on how to enter the industry? If so, check out Babbasa’s Mentor Club
21st August: Have you been thinking about starting your own hospitality business? This could be a restaurant, cafe, coffee shop, catering business, produce market business or specialty food business. BIPC Bristol is holding a 2 hour interactive workshop at Bristol Central Library.